The Czech Healthcare System

When moving abroad, it is important to get to know and understand how the healthcare system of the country we just moved into actually works. 

The Czech Healthcare system is among the best in Central Europe, with most citizens enjoying universal healthcare coverage via their employers. In fact, the country has one of the most accessible systems and ranks 4th in Europe for its number of Operational Hospital Beds: with 6.6 hospital beds per 1,000 citizens, it is 35% above the EU average of 4.9 per 1000 citizens.

Nevertheless, how does it actually work?

Private vs. Public

In the Czech Republic, both EU and Non-EU citizens are required by law to have health insurance. For this reason, during the immigration procedure, people are required to provide proof of actually owning health insurance.

It is possible to have either Private and/or Public Insurance. With Public Insurance, you will be granted similar coverage as Czech Citizens which includes diagnostic and preventative care, hospital care (including rehabilitation and care of chronic illnesses), basic dental care and medicines. 

Private Insurance coverage depends on the company and plan chosen. However, you have to consider that in order to be able to complete your immigration process, your insurance company must be recognized by the Czech National Bank list. If it is not, you will have to buy another local Czech insurance for the full duration of your permit in addition to the private insurance you have obtained. This is a very crucial point when searching for insurance options as you may end up paying for two. 

Do I need a General Practitioner (GP)?

In the Czech Republic, it is necessary to be registered with a general practitioner (GP) to receive care. Many expats are not required to do so in their home country and do not see the need to become a patient in a specific clinic. However, it is a needed step to do upon your arrival since if you will require treatment in the future, you may have a problem finding an available GP to accept you. Even when visiting a specialist such as a dermatologist, neurologist and similar, you will have to show a reference from your GP or pay as a private service. 

In Prague, you may face difficulty finding a general doctor who is well versed in the English language, so it is advised to start looking for a public clinic with which to register, right upon arrival. Please be aware that it may require you to call several places before you will find one that is available. If you know foreigners in Prague, ask them for recommendations on where they care about their health as not all the clinics can be provided with English (or other languages) support. 

One can choose to register via a private or public clinic. Private clinics might be included in a private insurance plan, but can be accessed via public insurance by paying an additional yearly membership fee for the upgraded service level. Public clinics do not require any membership fee, however have limited availability. It is becoming more and more popular that gynecologists take yearly membership subscriptions even if they are considered public medical centers. However, the government is trying to fight the habit and soon it will be forbidden.


What to Expect In a Czech Hospital?

Prague has many hospitals, so you will always find one that is no more than 10-15min. distance from your home.  Motol Hospital is located in Prague 5 and is the biggest hospital and the only one that has a building dedicated to children’s care. 

When attending the hospitals you may have a language barrier during admission or registration, as the nurses often do not speak any language but Czech.  However, once you pass that obstacle you will have with high probability an English-speaking doctor, even though the level of English can differ from one doctor to another.

Consider that when attending the hospital during working hours, you may be requested to go back to your GP or other specialists. The hospital does not normally treat cases that are treatable by other open clinics.  

When arriving after working hours at the hospital, you will be required to pay a fee of CZK 90 to be admitted during the registration process. There are special machines dedicated to the payment of this fee close by the reception area. 

The emergency department is called “Pohotovost” or “Ambulance”. 

Insurances and Charges at the Hospitals

Czech Hospitals are quite strict on which types of health insurance they accept. This can lead to two different scenarios when visiting a hospital:

  • If you have insurance

By law, you can be treated immediately if you are insured by a company recognized by the Czech National Bank. You will also be admitted immediately if insured with either the Czech public insurance (VZP) or the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

  • No Insurance

If visiting for an ordinary procedure, we would suggest you visit the Motol University Hospital. This hospital also treats patients who do not have the Czech National Insurance. You will have to, however, visit the Foreigner’s Department of the hospital, leave a deposit and then return after treatment to settle the payment.

In life-threatening or trauma cases, you will be taken straight to emergency.

Special Rules of the Czech Healthcare System

Additional facts about the Czech healthcare system that might be useful to know are the following:

  • If you would like to visit a specialist, you must have a written reference from your general practitioner.
  • Children in the Czech Republic are under pediatric care until they are 18 years old.
  • It is mandatory in both private and public schools for enrolled children to be vaccinated.
  • Most doctors accept visits only during working hours. While the hospital is open 24/7, outside of working hours it will accept patients only if it’s really necessary. For non-urgent cases, they will ask the patient to visit their general practitioner in the morning.

Ambulance Services

There are two types of ambulance in the Czech Republic: 

    • Emergency medical service (Zdravotnická záchranná služba, ZZS)
  • Transport medical service (Dopravní zdravotnická služba, DZS)

You will call the emergency medical service in the event of a sudden accident or serious acute health problem. The contact line is 155 or 112. The transport is then covered by the public health insurance company. For private insurance, you most probably will need to pay and then ask for the reimbursement of the fee from the insurance later. 

The transport medical service is used for planned journeys for examinations by specialists – in a situation where other types of transport are not suitable for health reasons, for example due to reduced mobility, malaise, infectivity of the disease, post-operative conditions or psychiatric illnesses. 

In order to use a transport medical service, a pre-written request from the general practitioner is required. If it is a journey from home to an examination, the doctor must provide the patient with a transport voucher in advance at the same time as he files a request for the examination by the specialist. When a journey back home is required due to health conditions, a transport voucher will be issued by the doctor who sends the patient home, i.e. the doctor from the ambulance or hospital where the patient was treated. Such transports are covered by the health insurance company.


Top essential Czech words for beginners

Language barriers can be one of the main stressors when moving to a new country. Especially when the language is as complex as Czech!

We’ve put together an essential 10 words and phrases to get you started upon your arrival to the Czech Republic. Knowing these will help you arrive and settle into your new home with just a little extra confidence and ease!

  • Dobrý den – Hello

The most useful phrase, dobrý den is a formal hello that can be used when entering a shop or restaurant, or joining someone in the elevator. When greeting friends, however, you can use the informal ahoj. 

  • Děkuju/Děkuji – Thank you

An essential polite word that will make a good impression.

  • Na shledanou – Good bye

When leaving a store, restaurant, or ending a conversation with a clerk, it’s good to use the formal good bye. When saying bye to friends, colleagues or any informal encounter, you can use ahoj.

  • Mluvíte anglicky? – Do you speak English?

  • Nemluvím česky – I don’t speak Czech

Though we’re sure this won’t be true for long, it can be very useful to know how to say you don’t actually speak Czech! Most people in Prague speak good English, so letting them know in a friendly manner that you’re still a learner is a great way to earn some points for effort whilst staying comfortable in English.

  •  Napište mi to, prosím – Write it down for me, please

If you find yourself in a situation where English is not an option, it will be useful to have the other person write down what they’re saying. This way you can translate it later with the help of a friend or online. Asking this will be especially useful at various ministries during appointments to not forget dates, addresses and other important details.

  • Zaplatím – I will pay

  • Kartou/Hotově – Card/Cash

When asking for the bill at a restaurant, the easiest thing to say is zaplatím or zaplatíme for plural, if there are more of you. Learning the difference between kartou and hotově will be very useful, as the waiter may ask you this expecting a quick response.

  • Chcete tašku? – Do you need a bag?

  • Mám tašku – I have a bag

A classic checkout interaction. The cashier will probably ask you if you need a bag, so learning the word bag – taška is very important. Extra points if you bring your own bag!

  • Ano/Jo – Yes

  • Ne – No

When speaking informally, jo (pronounced io) can also be used for yes. However, ano is never wrong and can be used in both formal and informal contexts.

  • Ženy – Women

  • Muži – Men

Two key words especially when it comes to public toilets! Sometimes, the alternative páni for gentlemen and dámy for ladies may be used.

  • Otevřeno – Open

  • Zavřeno – Closed

Knowing these two will also help you understand opening hours – otevírací doba. 

  • Pomoc – Help

  • Pozor – Attention/Beware

These two words may look similar but have slightly different meanings. 

If someone tells you pomoc they are asking for help. It may not necessarily mean they need SOS help, but they might be asking for support: carrying a heavy bag or crossing the road. You can also use this word yourself if you need assistance.

If, instead, you see the word pozor, it means  attention/beware. For example, crossroads can say “Pozor Tram”, inviting you to pay attention to trams passing by (as they have precedence, also over pedestrians!). 

  • Promiňte / Pardon – Sorry/ Excuse me

Accidentally bumping into someone or asking for space when getting off a tram, these two words are extremely useful.

Renting in Prague. What’s the challenge?

If you are a foreigner looking to move to the Czech Republic, you wouldn’t be alone, especially not in Prague.

According to the latest census, over 1,3 million people live in the city and, with the active workforce numbering approximately 700,000, it is estimated that more than 25% of them are not Czech natives.

Overall, in the country, the number of foreigners with permanent or temporary residence has reached close to 600,000 people. This number does not consider those who can legally stay in the country without a permit, via Schengen visas or by being an EU citizen.

So, while you will face many expected challenges in your moving process, we have some information for you to make one of the bigger ones, finding a place to rent, a bit easier.

As a matter of fact, this is a task that can be more challenging than anticipated in the Czech Republic. 

The Prague housing market is overheated.

Moving to a new country and renting property there, where you may not have any connections, can prove demanding. You need to scout properties for rent, get in touch, get appointments and plan specific periods for your visits to ensure that you get to double-check any house or apartment that catches your eye. 

This is a lengthy process with which you might want to take your time, if nothing else to ensure the most comfortable living space for you and your family. After all, the overall process is expected to take about 2-4 weeks if you are flexible with your demand, with 7-10 days dedicated only to the contract drafting and negotiating. While it might be stressful that your negotiation takes so long, well, in the Czech Republic things just take longer. 

The landlords will expect your move between 2-4 weeks so if you plan to stay in temporary accommodation for 60 days, for example, you should start your search about 4-6 weeks before your booking ends.

However, the Prague housing market is so dynamic that you cannot wait to provide confirmation on a property you like as that could lead you, in the end, to lose your favourite option.

Why is the market so “overheated”?

This is mostly due to the following two factors:

  • Prague’s building approvals – the municipality offers a limited quota of new units 
  • The city high rate of tourism

Since the Czech Republic has some of the longest and most complicated building procedures in the world, Prague has been slow in its development. While more and more people were moving to the city, not enough properties were being built to sustain the increased demand for accommodations.

Now, this fact makes any standing property an extremely hot commodity, giving landlords the power to actually pick and choose their tenants. 

In addition to the limitation of the city hall to the developers of real estate, the Czech Republic generally lacks professional construction employees. New development needs to book work years ahead. The price of the constructions are rising and, as a result, the price of the purchase of properties has increased as well. For investors who purchase an apartment and expect a certain return, the immediate solution is the increase of the rental price.    

Moreover, the number of available properties is further reduced by the high tourism in the city. With over 8 million visitors to the city of Prague in 2019 alone, it is no wonder that many landlords prefer more profitable short-term rentals over long-term ones and simply earn more. However, this is not the case during 2020 and the beginning of 2021 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

How do you navigate such a market?

It is not only foreigners that are confronted with these renting challenges in Prague: locals are subjected to them too. However, while this further increases the competition, it doesn’t do so for every property.

The Prague housing market can be roughly divided into two sides: affordable properties also sought after by locals and more expensive ones, mostly rented by foreigners and companies.

The price that demarks this separation is usually around 25.000 CZK: a local would rather become a homeowner and pay such an amount to a bank as their mortgage monthly payment than pay it as rent. 

To summarize, going for a more expensive property will provide you with more time to make a final decision, given the lower competition, but will require a higher budget.

Whereas, a more affordable property will, given the higher rate of competition, require you to perform as much research as possible beforehand to be ready to confirm your interest promptly after a viewing as apartments might become unavailable very quickly.

Now that you are equipped with this basic knowledge of the Czech housing market, we wish you the best of luck in your apartment hunting!
And if you need any more tips or help, we here at ReloCare are there for you

Confirmation of Accommodation

Confirmation of Accommodation (CoA) is required by the Ministry of the Interior for the purposes of visa and residence applications (Pursuant to Act No. 326/1999 Coll.). When obtaining Residence Permit in the Czech Republic, the Confirmation of Accommodation completely supplements a Lease agreement which then does not have to be submitted in the immigration process.

As of January 1, 2020, the Ministry of Interior (OAMP), keeps all documents provided without the possibility to receive it back.  If you don’t want to give up your only copy of your Lease agreement, you must provide a verified copy of the whole document (CZK 30 / per page)  which may turn out to be quite costly if you are applying for several family members. For this reason the Confirmation of Accommodation is often a preferred option. 

What are the benefits, when is it needed and how to obtain the confirmation of accommodation? We have summarized all the important information you need to know before you start. 

Typical cases when the Confirmation of Accommodation is needed: 

  • There is no Lease agreement signed / provided 
  • Lease agreement is in English language only – the Ministry of Interior requires the document in Czech language! 
  • There is a mistake in the lease agreement (signed by an unauthorized person, incorrectly marked housing unit, typographical error, etc.)
  • One of the tenants is not stated in the contract (flatshare / family members) 
  • The lease agreement is concluded with the a company without specifying the employee as user of the property with personal details (name, passport, date of birth)

Benefit of providing the Confirmation: 

  • Protection of private data, e.g. rent expense, tenant’s residence abroad, etc.
  • Effective solution when submitting applications for a multi-member family – there is no obligation to provide an officially certified copy of the lease agreement for each application

The Confirmation of Accommodation must include:

  • Details of the owner of the property (or his/her authorized representative – in such case a notarized original of the Power of attorney authorizing the signing on behalf of the landlord must be provided),
  • Specification of the unit so that it can be traced in the real estate cadastre (accommodation unit number or LV number),
  • Foreigner’s personal data (min. 3 identification elements),
  • The relationship between the foreigner and the unit,
  • Signature (signature verification required in some cases).

Who is entitled to sign the Confirmation of Accommodation?

  • Owner of the property
  • Authorized representative of the owner
  • Executive or other authorized representative of the company that owns the property

How to sign the Confirmation of Accommodation?

  • Confirmation of accommodation for EU national: Owner must sign with a blue ballpoint pen
  • Confirmation of accommodation for non-EU national: Owner’s signature must be officially verified by notary or officials at Czech Point

Do you need help obtaining a confirmation of accommodation? Contact us at!{:}{:cz}Doklad o ubytování je podle zákona č. 326/1999 Sb., o pobytu cizinců v určitých případech vyžadován ze strany Ministerstva vnitra pro účely vízových a pobytových žádostí cizinců. Při získávání povolení k pobytu v České republice Potvrzení o ubytování zcela zastupuje nájemní smlouvu, která pak nemusí být v imigračním procesu předložena.

Od 1. ledna 2020 uchovává ministerstvo vnitra (OAMP) všechny poskytnuté dokumenty bez možnosti jejich zpětného převzetí. Pokud se nechcete vzdát své jediné kopie nájemní smlouvy, musíte předložit ověřenou kopii celého dokumentu (cena 30 Kč/stránku), což, pokud vyřizujete žádost pro několik rodinných členů, může být celkem nákladné. Z tohoto důvodu je Potvrzení ubytování často preferovanou volbou.

Doklad o ubytování je potřeba zejména v případech, kdy:

  • Neexistuje nájemní smlouva
  • Nájemní smlouva je pouze v angličtině
  • V nájemní smlouvě je chyba (podepsáno neoprávněnou osobou, špatně označená bytová jednotka, tisková chyba, atd.)
  • Cizinec není uveden ve smlouvě (spolubydlení / rodinní příslušníci) 
  • Smlouva je sepsána se zaměstnavatelem cizince bez specifikace cizincových údajů

Doklad o ubytování je rovněž:

  • Efektivní řešení při podávání žádostí pro vícečlennou rodinu – odpadá povinnost dokládat úředně ověřenou kopii nájemní smlouvy do každé žádosti
  • Prostředek ochrany soukromých dat např. výše nájmu, bydliště v zahraničí apod.

Doklad o ubytování musí obsahovat: 

  • Údaje o vlastníkovi nemovitosti (či jeho zmocněném zástupci), 
  • specifikaci jednotky tak, aby byla dohledatelná v katastru nemovitostí (číslo bytové jednotky nebo číslo LV),
  • údaje o cizinci (min. 3 identifikační prvky),
  • vztah mezi cizincem a jednotkou,
  • podpis (v některým případech nutné ověření podpisu).

Kdo je oprávněn Doklad o ubytování podepsat?

  • Majitel bytové jednotky
  • Zmocněný zástupce majitele
  • Jednatel, či jiný oprávněný zástupce společnosti, která bytovou jednotku vlastní

Jak Doklad o ubytování podepsat?

  • Doklad o ubytování vydaný cizinci ze země EU: stačí obyčejný podpis vlastníka nemovitosti modrou propiskou
  • Doklad o ubytování vydaný cizinci ze země mimo EU: podpis vlastníka nemovitosti musí být úředně ověřen 

Potřebujete s vytvořením Dokladu o ubytování pomoci? Kontaktujte nás na!

Registered Mail in the Czech Republic

What is a registered mail (“Doporučený dopis”)?

Registered mail is a form of a delivery of the mail by the Czech Post to the hands of the receiver.

To send a letter as registered, a small form called “Podací lístek” has to be filled out. “Podací lístek” also includes an option of notifying the sender that the mail has been delivered. Thus, you can be sure that the recipient received the letter.

You can find the “Podací lístek” at the Czech Post branch (usually near the clerks’ windows), or you can fill it out online on the Czech Post website and print it then.

The cost of sending a registered mail is around CZK 55-80, according to the weight and size of the envelope.

How to fill out “Podací lístek”?

The only part you have to fill out is “odesílatel” (sender) and “adresát” (receiver).

State full name (first name + surname) and full address (street + street number + town + postcode) of the sender and the receiver as well.

If you wish to receive an sms confirmation that the letter was delivered to the receiver, state also your phone number.

posting to czech republic

When you may need to use the registered mail?

Using a registered mail is recommended when sending official documents to the authorities or when sending a termination letter to the landlord for example. However, it is wise to use in any other case when you need evidence for the delivery of the mail.

Tracking number

The Post office will issue a tracking number on the “Podací lístek”, usually it starts with R and followed by digit numbers.

You can follow your letter on the Czech Post website.

What are the other options?

  • Common letter – the most common method of buying a stamp and dropping the letter in the postbox, no tracking is possible.
  • Letter with a delivery note – you will receive a paper confirmation with the signature or the recipient confirming the letter has been handed to the recipient – this form of letter is recommended when sending an official document to the authorities.


If you’re still struggling, do not hesitate to contact us and our consultants can help you.


How To Verify Signature or Document in the Czech Republic?

Do you need to officially duplicate a document or have your signature verified? Here is a brief guide on how you can easily do that without speaking Czech!

What is Czech Point?

Czech Point is a branch of the Czech Ministry of Interior that allows certain authorities such as Czech Post, notaries and other legal entities to verify signatures or documents and issue certain official documents such as Criminal Record or an official extract from the business registry.

You can determine whether a certain Czech Post office offers Czech Point services by spotting this blue mark on the entrance door. 

Not all service windows at the Post office are offering Czech Point and you shall check before queuing which window holds the Czech Point logo.

Czech Point Logo

Documents Verification

What for? When authorities require a duplicate of a document or when you do not wish to submit an original, verification of a document can be a proper solution. Verified duplicate has the same status as the original. 

What to bring with you? Make sure the document you wish to verify is an original hard copy.

In Czech ask for: Úředně ověřená kopie dokumentu

Signature Verification

What for? Verification of the signature is a process of official confirmation of the authenticity of the signature. This can be required for instance on a Power of Attorney, Confirmation of Accomodation, Sworn statements and such. The verification is done by providing the clerk with your passport or ID card and signing the document in front of them. 

Note that signature must be in Latin letters! 

What to bring with you? Beside the document to sign on make sure to bring a passport or other identification card. You must sign the document in front of the official; do not sign the document before. 

In Czech ask for:  Úředně ověřený podpis

TIP: Note that some Post offices may not allow duplicate documents or verify your signature on a document that is not in Czech language. Visit the Municipality or a notary office directly if your document is in a foreign language.

Good to Know:

  • The verification will be confirmed in the verification book which the clerk will fill in and you will have to sign. 
  • The officials may request that you will stay at the waiting room while they prepare the documents registry. 
  • Some Post Offices and Notaries have a queue management system. You can identify the logo of the Czech Point as one of the service options on the standing machine and click on it to receive a service number.

How much verification costs?

  • At the Czech Point: CZK 30 per page
  • Notary: CZK 40–50 per page

Temporary Residence Permit Makes Traveling Around Europe Easier During Coronavirus

Temporary Residence Permits in the Czech Republic offer many benefits to their holders. Due to COVID-19, it is more important than ever for an EU national to obtain one.

The current situation caused by Coronavirus has changed many people’s travel plans. Maybe you are also one of many who was utterly confused by the travelling traffic lights and the rules and restrictions issued by the Ministry of the Interior on entry into the Czech Republic. If Czechia is a favorite country of yours or your foreign colleagues or relatives, or you just need to return to it and avoid inconveniences due to renewed border controls, we may have just the solution for you.

Why to Apply for A Residence Permit?

Any citizen of the European Union that is planning on staying in the Czech Republic for at least 3 months can apply for a Certificate of Temporary Residence Permit. The Ministry of the Interior, the decision-making authority, makes an effort to process applications as quickly as possible these days to make travelling easier for foreigners.

With the COVID-19 pandemic and the risk of borders getting closed again, it will be wise on your part to hold this permit. To understand this better, let’s consider an example. When the country undergone lockdown in March 2020, only holders of visas/permits in the Czech Republic could return to the country during the lockdown. While we are not sure if such measures and restrictions will be enforced again in the future, obtaining the Temporary Residence Permit can help you prepare for such situations.

If you are an EU citizen, you will be allowed to work in the Czech Republic without any permits. However, it still pays off to apply for a Certificate of Temporary Residence as it definitely makes the life of a foreigner much easier. While holding a Temporary Residence Permit, you can apply from the Embassy in the Czech territory. Without a permit, you will have to apply from your home country. You can also apply for a parking permit, receive parental benefits, and send your child to the public education system for free.

Applying for a Czech Driving License and Other Advantages

If you wish to apply for a Czech driving license, renew your foreign license (from an EU state), or simply issue a new one because you lost your European license, you will be required to prove you have a permit. In addition, did you know you also need to register your dog in the municipality of your district, or you may get a fine? You will not be able to complete the registration process without showing proof of residency and holding the permit. 

There are several other advantages of a Temporary Residence Permit. For instance, after 5 years of holding the Certificate of Temporary Residence, a foreigner can apply for Permanent Residence. This provides additional benefits and brings you one a step closer to citizenship.

Other essential documents for the official application form include your passport, one passport size photograph, proof of accommodation ,and proof of health insurance.
The official processing time for the application upon submission is 30 days. However, in many cases, the application gets approved within 2–3 weeks. Applications can be submitted with a power of attorney. However, you must collect the permit in person. The only exception here is children younger than 15 years old, where parents can collect the permit on their behalf.

UK Citizens to obtain Temporary Residence Permit before Brexit

Are you an UK citizen? In order to stay legal in Czech Republic under “lighter” immigration process than may be required starting of 1.1.2021, we highly recommend to apply for the permit before the end of 2020 and make your life easier or the first consequences you may have is leaving the Czech Republic until you will sort out your immigration status (process may take several months). 

Even A European Residence Is Obliged To Report Changes

While a Temporary Residence Permit has its benefits, Europeans must not forget that there are some obligations attached to the same. Specifically, we are talking about the reporting obligation to the local department of foreigners. This may sound complicated, but once you understand the process, it becomes relatively simple.

The Foreigners’ Residence Unit (one of the workplaces of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic) maintains a database of all foreigners staying in the territory, especially those from countries outside the EU. This information must always be up-to-date, and all foreigners (Europeans included) are obligated to report personal changes regardless if they are holder of a Temporary.

The first thing that probably comes to your mind here is reporting a change of address. You must also report a change in your travel document (passport or identity card) if you have had a new one made. That’s not all. Please note that it is also necessary to report a possible change of name, marital status, the birth of a child, or loss of a travel document. These changes must be reported within the legal deadlines, which range from 3 to 30 days. A foreigner may be fined for any late reporting (or failure to report).

Finally, if you decide to leave the Czech Republic permanently, make sure you return the Certificate of Temporary Residence to the Ministry.

If you (or your relative or employee) decide to apply for this type of permit with the support of ReloCare, do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Aktuální situace způsobená koronavirem spoustě lidí změnila cestovní plány. Možná jste i vy jedním z mnoha, kteří byli nuceni si zahrát tetris se zahraničními cestami svými či svých zaměstnanců, a momentálně vzpomínáte na výrokovou logiku při pohledu na neustále se proměňující semafory a tabulky s pravidly a omezeními vstupu do České republiky vydané Ministerstvem vnitra ČR. Pokud chcete svým zaměstnancům (Evropanům) usnadnit příjezd do České republiky, nabízíme řešení.


Každý občan Evropské unie pobývající v České republice alespoň 3 měsíce může zažádat o tzv. Potvrzení o přechodném pobytu. Ministerstvo vnitra, které je rozhodujícím orgánem, se snaží zpracovávat žádosti co nejrychleji, aby bylo cestování cizincům usnadněno. 


Občan EU může pracovat na území České republiky bez jakéhokoliv oprávnění, i přesto se však vyplatí si o Potvrzení o přechodném pobytu zažádat. Jako jeho držitel může žádat o víza do nejrůznějších destinací z českého území. Může si také pronajmout nebo koupit auto, případně zažádat o parkovací oprávnění či registrovat psa. Po 5 letech držení Potvrzení o přechodném pobytu si pak může cizinec podat žádost o trvalý pobyt, který skýtá některé další výhody, je také například o krok blíže k získání českého občanství.


Mezi dokumenty, které musí cizinec předložit, patří kromě žádosti samotné také cestovní doklad, fotografie pasového formátu, potvrzení o ubytování a pojištění. Jedná se o obecný seznam dokumentů, rádi vám však poradíme konkrétně, pokud nás kontaktujete.


Zákonná lhůta pro vyřízení žádosti počítá s 30 dny, nicméně prakticky se bavíme spíše o 2–3 týdnech; také následné vyzvednutí vyhotoveného Potvrzení o přechodném pobytu je uskutečňováno v rozumných termínech, tj. 1–2 týdny od schválení. 


I Evropan-rezident má povinnost hlásit změny

Je však třeba brát na vědomí, že s právy a výhodami přichází také povinnosti. Konkrétně se bavíme o ohlašovací povinnosti vůči místně příslušnému oddělení pobytu cizinců. Zní to složitě, ale je to jednoduché. Oddělení pobytu cizinců (jedno z pracovišť Ministerstva vnitra ČR) vede databázi všech cizinců pohybujících se po území, zejména pak těch pocházejících ze zemí mimo EU. Tyto informace musí být neustále aktuální a zde přichází na scénu povinnost cizince (i Evropana) hlásit změny v případě, že je rezidentem v České republice. 


Možná vás jako první napadne hlášení změny adresy – to jste trefili. Také změnu cestovního dokladu (pas či občanský průkaz) je třeba hlásit. Zdá se to jako vše, co by mohlo úředníky zajímat? Zdaleka ne. Berte na vědomí, že je potřeba hlásit také případnou změnu jména, rodinného stavu, narození dítěte či ztrátu cestovního dokladu, a to vše v zákonných lhůtách, které se pohybují od 3 do 30 dnů. Za případně pozdní hlášení (či nehlášení) může být cizinci udělena pokuta. Pokud se cizinec rozhodne Českou republiku opustit natrvalo, je potřeba Potvrzení o přechodném pobytu zpátky ministerstvu.


I když se celý proces může zdát náročný, věříme, že výhody plynoucí z držení Potvrzení o přechodném pobytu převáží a vás již nezaskočí ani registrace psa ani cestování v době koronavirové.


V případě, že se váš zaměstnanec rozhodne o tento typ povolení požádat, neváhejte se na nás obrátit pro více informací. Rádi s vámi blíže prodiskutujeme všechny náležitosti a vše zjednodušíme natolik, že získání Potvrzení o přechodném pobytu pro vás bude maličkostí.

Recommended Immigration Steps to Take Before Brexit

HR BULLETIN: November, 2019


Expected: British citizens will be entitled to receive equal immigration benefits as EU members.

The transition period, which will guarantee the EU status, is expected until 31 December 2020. After the transition period, UK nationals will be treated as non-EU nationals.


Expected: British citizens will carry Non-EU immigration status and will be required to obtain Non-EU permits in accordance with the law. Process length: 4–6 months for employees, 4–8 months for other permits.

Impact for non-permit holders: All UK citizens without a Temporary Resident Permit or Permanent Residency will be required to leave the Schengen Area and apply for a relevant permit/visa in the existent non-EU immigration scheme at a Czech Embassy abroad.

Impact for permit holders: UK citizens who hold valid EU permits will be allowed to stay in the Czech Republic until 31 December 2020, during which period they will be obliged to exchange their EU permits for the relevant permit/visa in the existent non-EU immigration scheme at the Ministry of the Interior in the Czech Republic. Note that the same applies for UK citizens who have at least applied for one of the permits before the Brexit date.

What you need to know about a Temporary Residence Permit and Permanent Residency

  • All EU members are entitled to this type of permit
  • Process: 30 days
  • Validity: 10 years
  • After Brexit:
    • One must apply for any Long-term Residence Permit
      • Types: Employee card, Family reunion, Business, Study
    • Issued for a maximum period of 2 years (extendable)
  • All EU members are entitled to the permit if they fulfil:
    • 5 years of continuous stay in the Czech Republic
    • 2 years of continuous stay if they are family members of an EU citizen
  • Process: 60 days – some delays may occur
  • Validity: 10 years
  • After Brexit: The permit must be exchanged for a biometrical card (fees will apply)

All holders of UK passport, including children of all ages, should immediately apply for one of the permits.

  • Appointments for applying at the Ministry of Interior are normally given within 30–60 days.
  • The application can be submitted based on Power of Attorney on behalf of the applicant; earlier terms may be available.
  • Stays in the Czech Republic will be considered tourist visas limited to 90 days in the 180-day period for the Schengen Area. After the 90 days, the stay is considered illegal.
  • Citizens of the UK who did not apply for a Residence Permit or Permanent Residency before the Brexit date will be considered newcomers and will apply for a Non-EU permit via the Czech Embassy in London.

For more information and clarification please contact:

Kristýna Richtrová
Head of Immigration
+420 608 874 860

Kristýna Richtrová
Head of Immigration
+420 608 874 860