Seminar: Recruiting foreigners

Join our online seminar where we’ll dive deep into the steps and processes foreign employees need to go through before starting employment in the Czech Republic. This seminar will help you understand the timeline of events, key immigration steps and possible red flags to help you decide how employable a candidate is from an immigration point of view.

A1 – A must for working abroad

What is it?

All employees sent for work across Europe are obliged to have an A1 form.

The A1 (formerly E101 or E103) is an internationally recognised form that allows EU-based employees to work from other EU and EEA* countries without paying additional social and health insurance fees. It proves you pay insurance in another European country, and therefore prevents you from being fined.

Who does it concern?

The A1 form is obligatory for Czech residents working in multiple EU* states. 

Whether it is a half-day business trip or a year abroad, having the A1 form is a legal requirement and not fulfilling it could result in fines. The A1 is valid for up to 24 months and can be re-issued, given the employee fulfills a two-month break after the expiration date before re-applying.

How to get your A1?

At ReloCare we can submit the A1 application for you so you can save time and focus on work. Keep in mind that the authorities demand between 30 – 40 working days for issuing the form, so make sure you let us know well ahead of your trip.

For A1 information and support, contact our A1 consultant Lucie Šimonová at

*The A1 form is valid across the EU, the EEA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway), Switzerland and the UK.

Co je A1?

Každý zaměstnanec, který jede pracovně do zahraničí, má povinnost s sebou mít formulář A1. 

A1 (dříve E101 a E103) je mezinárodně uznávaný formulář potvrzující hrazení sociálního a zdravotního pojištění v jiném členském státě EU a v rámci EHP*. Využívá se při vyslání do zahraničí, aby nedošlo k placení pojištění ve více zemích současně (nebo v žádné). Formulář A1 je povinností zaměstnance. Při nesplnění hrozí pokuta v řádu desetitisíců korun.

Koho se A1 týká?

Formulář je určen pro české občany pracující ve více státech Evropské unie*. Vztahuje se na všechny délky pracovních pobytů – ať už je to pár hodin či dní, nebo se jedná a tzv. vyslání na dobu několika měsíců. Maximální platnost A1 je 24 měsíců, formulář lze však vydat opakovaně s dodržením dvouměsíční přestávky po vypršení první lhůty platnosti. 

Jak A1 získat?

V ReloCare za Vás formulář A1 rádi zpracujeme, abyste se vyhnuli korespondenci s úřady a frontám. K vyhotovení žádosti od Vás budeme potřebovat jen kopie základních dokladů a pracovní smlouvy daného zaměstnance. Úřady si pro zhotovení formuláře vyžadují 30-40 pracovních dní, je tedy důležité nás o A1 požádat s předstihem.

Pro veškeré informace ohledně A1 můžete kontaktovat naší Business Visa & A1 konzultantku Lucii Šimonovou mailem na

*A1 platí v zemích EU, EHP (Lichtenštejnsko, Island, Norsko), ve Švýcarsku a Velké Británii. {:}

New Amendments to the Immigration Act From 2. 8. 2021

Updates to the Czech Immigration Act will come into force in August. At ReloCare, we have listed the most important changes that will be made to the law and how they will affect people moving to the Czech Republic. You can find this summary below.

The Certificate of Temporary Residence will change its name and form

As of 2. 8. 2021, the Certificate of Temporary Residence provided to EU members will be replaced by the Certificate of Registration. Its form is not yet known. It will however be issued with a 10-year validity.

Certificates of Temporary Residence that have already been issued do not need to be changed.

New administrative fees will be introduced

A fee of CZK 200, which will be paid in the form of stamps, will now be required for the following types of application:

  • Certificate of Registration (formerly Certificate of Temporary Residence)
  • Temporary Residence Permit for an EU family member
  • Extension of the validity of the Temporary Residence Permit for an EU family member
  • Permanent Residence Permit of an EU citizen
  • Permanent Residence Permit of an EU citizen and their family member

Changes to the status of an EU citizen family member

A new distinction is made between close and distant family members. A close family member is, for example, a spouse, parent or descendant under the conditions of § 15a(1) and (2). A distant family member is, for example, a permanent partner, household member or dependent under § 15a(3).

Residence of UK citizens

As of 2. 8. 2021, it is possible to request the exchange of the Certificate of Temporary Residence and the Certificate of Permanent Residence for a Biometric Card. Family members of UK citizens must also replace their existing form of Residence.

UK citizens who legally resided in the Czech Republic before 31. 12. 2020 can continue to apply for a Certificate of Registration. However, note that this document will only be issued with a validity of 5 years.

Health insurance limitations

From 2. 8. 2021, travel health insurance for foreigners in the scope of comprehensive healthcare will be arranged exclusively with the VZP, a.s. insurance company.

The obligation does not apply to:

  • EU citizens,
  • their close family members,
  • foreigners who are members of public health insurance,
  • and holders of valid EHIC and GHIC health insurance cards. 

Foreigners who arrived in the Czech Republic no later than 1. 8. 2021 or who are already residing in the Czech Republic on the basis of a long-term visa or long-term residence permit and who have secured insurance according to the conditions valid until 1. 8. 2021, will not be required to conclude a new insurance contract with VZP, a.s. insurance company for the duration of their current residence permit.

Up-to-date information can always be found on the website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.

If you are a foreigner moving to the Czech Republic or an employer who is going to relocate foreign employees to the Czech Republic and you need any advice regarding the amendments to the Immigration Act, please do not hesitate to contact us at 608 874 860.{:}{:cz}Od srpna nás čekají aktualizace v českém zákoně o pobytu cizinců. V ReloCare jsme ze zákona vypsali nejdůležitější změny, o které půjde, a jaký budou mít dopad na osoby, které se stěhují do České republiky. Přehledný výpis najdete níže.

Potvrzení o přechodném pobytu změní název a podobu

Od 2. 8. 2021 Potvrzení o přechodném pobytu pro členy EU nahradí Osvědčení o registraci. Jeho podoba zatím není známá, nicméně se bude rovněž vydávat s 10letou platností.

Potvrzení o přechodném pobytu, která již byla vydána, není nutno měnit.

Budou zavedeny nové správní poplatky

Poplatek ve výši 200 Kč, který bude hrazen formou kolků, bude nově vyžadován pro následující typ žádostí:

  • Osvědčení o registraci (dříve Potvrzení o přechodném pobytu)
  • Povolení k přechodnému pobytu rodinného příslušníka občana EU
  • Prodloužení doby platnosti Povolení k přechodnému pobytu rodinného příslušníka občana EU
  • Povolení k trvalému pobytu občana EU
  • Povolení k trvalému pobytu občana EU a jeho rodinného příslušníka

Změny ve statutu Rodinného příslušníka občana EU

Nově se rodinný příslušník rozlišuje na blízkého a vzdáleného. Blízkým rodinným příslušníkem je například manžel, rodič nebo potomek za podmínek dle § 15a odst. 1 a 2. Vzdáleným rodinným příslušníkem je potom např. trvalý partner, člen domácnosti nebo vyživovaná osoba dle § 15a odst. 3.

Pobyty občanů Velké Británie

Od 2. 8. 2021 lze zažádat o výměnu Potvrzení o přechodném pobytu a Trvalého pobytu za biometrickou kartu. Dosavadní formu pobytu musí vyměnit i rodinní příslušníci občanů Velké Británie.

Občané Velké Británie, kteří oprávněně v ČR pobývali před 31. 12. 2020, mohou i nadále žádat o Osvědčení o registraci. To však bude vydáno pouze s platností 5 let.

Omezení ve zdravotním pojištění

Cestovní zdravotní pojištění pro cizince v rozsahu komplexní zdravotní péče bude moci od 2. 8. 2021 být sjednáno výhradně s Pojišťovnou VZP, a.s.

Povinnost neplatí pro:

  • občany EU,
  • jejich blízké rodinné příslušníky,
  • cizince, kteří jsou účastníky veřejného zdravotního pojištění,
  • a držitele platných průkazů zdravotního pojištění EHIC a GHIC. 

Cizinci, kteří na území ČR přicestovali nejpozději dne 1. 8. 2021 nebo na území ČR již pobývají na základě dlouhodobého víza nebo povolení k dlouhodobému pobytu a zajistili si pojištění dle podmínek platných do 1. 8. 2021, nebudou muset po dobu platnosti svého stávajícího pobytového oprávnění uzavírat novou pojistnou smlouvu s Pojišťovnou VZP, a.s.

Aktuální informace můžete vždy nalézt na stránkách Ministerstva Vnitra ČR.

Pokud jste cizinec stěhující se do ČR nebo jste zaměstnavatel, který se chystá do ČR relokovat zahraniční zaměstnance, a potřebujete ohledně novely zákona o pobytu cizinců s něčím poradit, neváhejte nás kontaktovat na čísle 608 874 860.{:}

3. HR F*ck Ups

3. HR F*ck Ups – “Je v pohodě dělat chyby” se koná již 9. 11. 2023 od 18:00 v highlight.

British Citizens’ Obligation: Residence Permit Exchange

Residence Permit Exchange

British and living in the Czech Republic?

Please be informed that certain foreigners and their families are obliged to exchange their pre-Brexit residence permits for a new Biometric Card.

The amendment concerns UK nationals and their family members.

The process of obtaining a Biometric Card must be initiated no later than 31 August 2022. However, applying early will avoid high demand for appointment dates.

Biometric Card Example


  • All holders of UK passport, including children of all ages, should apply for a Biometric Card as soon as possible.
  • Appointments for applying at the Ministry of Interior are often scheduled within 30–60 days.
  • The applicant must be personally present.
  • There are no Governmental fees for this procedure.

How can ReloCare support you or your UK employees?

Obtaining a Biometric Card requires two appointments at the Ministry of Interior.

Our support includes:
• Booking both appointments at the Ministry of the Interior for you
• Accompanying you to the Ministry of the Interior when applying
• Accompanying you to the Ministry of the Interior for the card collection
• (If needed) Providing a card photo to HR once the process is completed

Contact us to get our support.
Send us a message at or call +420 608 874 860 to get a quote.

New Obligation for Foreigners: Adaptation and Integration Course

Every foreign national who, as of 1 January 2021, is issued a long-term residence permit for the territory of the Czech Republic, and also every foreign national who is issued a permanent residence permit after this date without the precondition of previous authorised stay in the territory is obliged to take the adaptation and integration course within one year of the date of collecting their residence permit.

What Is The Adaptation and Integration Course?

This is a course during which foreign nationals will be acquainted with the rights and obligations connected with their stay in the territory of the Czech Republic, with the fundamental values of the Czech Republic, with everyday life, culture and customs prevailing in the Czech Republic. Course participants will also be provided information on organisations and institutions that provide advisory services to foreign nationals free of charge. For details, go to:

Who Exactly Must Take the Course?

The obligation to take the adaptation and integration
course applies to every foreign national who has been issued a long-term residence permit for the territory pursuant to § 42 or § 45 of Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic and on amendment to certain acts, as amended, and also applies to every foreign national who is issued a long-term residence permit for the territory pursuant to § 66 or § 67 of this Act.

Specifically, the course must be taken and completed by every foreign national who has been issued:

  • a long-term residence permit for the territory
  • a long-term residence permit for the territory due to a change in purpose of stay
  • a permanent residence permit for the territory for humanitarian reasons, specifically for a foreign national who is the spouse of an asylee, whose marriage took place before the asylee entered the territory; for an asylee’s minor child or a child dependent on the care of an asylee if that child has not applied for asylum; or for a foreign national who was a citizen of the Czech Republic in the past a permanent residence permit for the territory for reasons worthy of special consideration
  • a permanent residence permit for the territory, if the foreign national’s stay is in the national interest of the Czech Republic
  • a permanent residence permit for the territory for the child of a foreign national who holds a permanent residence permit for the territory of the Czech Republic and if the reason for the application is family unification of such foreign nationals in the territory
  • a permanent residence permit for the territory after the cancellation of a previous permanent residence permit due to the former holder spending an uninterrupted period of six years outside the territory of the Czech Republic, or due to the former holder spending an uninterrupted period of twelve months outside the territory of the European Union
  • a permanent residence permit having spend an uninterrupted period of four years in the territory for a foreign national residing in the territory after the completion of international protection proceedings

Who Does This Obligation Not Apply To?

Foreign nationals who have already taken this course or who have been issued a long-term residence permit or a permanent residence permit pursuant to § 66 or § 67 before 1 January 2021 are not obliged to take the adaptation and integration course, under condition that their permit was valid as at 1 January 2021. The obligation to take the adaptation and integration course does not apply also to foreign nationals residing in the territory of the Czech Republic on the basis of:

  • a long-term residence permit for the purpose of study (residence purpose code “21”, “22”, “23” and “30”)
  • a long-term residence permit for the purpose of protection in the territory (residence purpose code “88”)
  • a long-term residence permit for the purpose of investment (residence purpose code “78”)
  • a long-term residence permit issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
  • an intra-company employee transfer card (residence purpose code “79”)
  • a European Union Member State intra-company employee transfer card (residence purpose code “80”)

EU nationals and their family memebrers do not have to go through the course. The obligation to take the adaptation and integration course furthermore does not apply to foreign nationals under 15 years of age on the date of legal effect of the decision to issue their residence permit, or to foreign nationals 61 years of age or over on that date. Nor will holders of employee cards and blue cards issued under the Highly Qualified Employee and Key and Scientific Personnel governmental programmes be required to take adaptation and integration courses.

Who Is The Course Organised By And Where Does It Take Place?

Adaptation and integration courses are administered by Centres for Support of Integration of Foreign Nationals
( There are eighteen such centres in the Czech Republic and it is up to the
foreign national to choose which centre to take the course at. The course may be also organised by a different legal entity cooperating with a Centre for Support of Integration of Foreign Nationals. Taking a course that is neither directly organised nor administered by a Foreign National Integration Support Centre established pursuant to § 155a of Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic and on amendment to certain acts, as amended, will not be recognised as satisfaction of the obligation.

The adaptation and integration course last four hours.

What Is The Deadline For Taking The Course?

A foreign nationals to whom the obligation to take the adaptation and integration course applies must take this course at latest within one year of the date of collecting their residence permit, or more precisely, within one year of the date of legal effect of the decision to issue their residence permit.

How Can I Enrol For The Course?

Adaptation and integration courses are divided into courses intended for the public and courses not intended for the public. Courses intended for the public may be attended by every foreign national who:

  1. Registers via the portal
  2. Pays the fee of CZK 1,500 and receives confirmation of payment
  3. Enrols for a specific course and receives an e-mail confirmation of this fact

Courses not intended for the public take place on the basis of orders from legal entities in cooperation with a particular Foreign National Integration Support Centre. Again this requires registration via the portal – then the necessary steps involving payment, organisation and course attendance of foreign nationals are organised by the legal entity itself. Payment for such courses is not made directly to the state!

Where Is Information On Course Dates Published?

Updated information concerning the type of course, the dates on which they are to held and the language into which they will be interpreted will be made available to the foreign national after payment of the amount payable for courses for the public, or payment directly to the legal entity in the case of courses not intended for the public.

What Are The Conditions For Attending The Course?

The foreign national must report on the date and time at which and at the place where the course will be held, present their residence permit
(ePKP) and confirm their attendance by signing the attendance sheet. The foreign national must attend for the entire duration of the course. There is no exam or test at the end of the course. 

After attending the course the foreign national receives an attendance certificate.

What Happens For Not Satisfying This Obligation?

Failure to satisfy the obligation of taking the adaptation and integration course within one year of the foreign national collecting their residence permit is an offence which carries a fine of up to CZK 10,000.

Official information to be found on

Recommended Immigration Steps to Take Before Brexit

HR BULLETIN: November, 2019


Expected: British citizens will be entitled to receive equal immigration benefits as EU members.

The transition period, which will guarantee the EU status, is expected until 31 December 2020. After the transition period, UK nationals will be treated as non-EU nationals.


Expected: British citizens will carry Non-EU immigration status and will be required to obtain Non-EU permits in accordance with the law. Process length: 4–6 months for employees, 4–8 months for other permits.

Impact for non-permit holders: All UK citizens without a Temporary Resident Permit or Permanent Residency will be required to leave the Schengen Area and apply for a relevant permit/visa in the existent non-EU immigration scheme at a Czech Embassy abroad.

Impact for permit holders: UK citizens who hold valid EU permits will be allowed to stay in the Czech Republic until 31 December 2020, during which period they will be obliged to exchange their EU permits for the relevant permit/visa in the existent non-EU immigration scheme at the Ministry of the Interior in the Czech Republic. Note that the same applies for UK citizens who have at least applied for one of the permits before the Brexit date.

What you need to know about a Temporary Residence Permit and Permanent Residency

  • All EU members are entitled to this type of permit
  • Process: 30 days
  • Validity: 10 years
  • After Brexit:
    • One must apply for any Long-term Residence Permit
      • Types: Employee card, Family reunion, Business, Study
    • Issued for a maximum period of 2 years (extendable)
  • All EU members are entitled to the permit if they fulfil:
    • 5 years of continuous stay in the Czech Republic
    • 2 years of continuous stay if they are family members of an EU citizen
  • Process: 60 days – some delays may occur
  • Validity: 10 years
  • After Brexit: The permit must be exchanged for a biometrical card (fees will apply)

All holders of UK passport, including children of all ages, should immediately apply for one of the permits.

  • Appointments for applying at the Ministry of Interior are normally given within 30–60 days.
  • The application can be submitted based on Power of Attorney on behalf of the applicant; earlier terms may be available.
  • Stays in the Czech Republic will be considered tourist visas limited to 90 days in the 180-day period for the Schengen Area. After the 90 days, the stay is considered illegal.
  • Citizens of the UK who did not apply for a Residence Permit or Permanent Residency before the Brexit date will be considered newcomers and will apply for a Non-EU permit via the Czech Embassy in London.

For more information and clarification please contact:

Kristýna Richtrová
Head of Immigration
+420 608 874 860

Kristýna Richtrová
Head of Immigration
+420 608 874 860

For HR: Introduction to Immigration

Leading companies are adding new talent to support a digital operating model. To develop sharp insights using digital tools, procurement teams will need data science and analytics expertise.