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ReloCast #9: Získejte pracovní víza pro zaměstnance rychleji

Epizoda #9 – Získejte pracovní víza pro zaměstnance rychleji

Dnes si s Kristýnou vysvětlíme, co jsou vládní projekty v oblasti žádostí o pracovní víza a kdo a jak o ně může zažádat.

Cílem těchto programů je zkrátit imigrační procesy tak, aby společnosti mohly rychleji nabírat a zaměstnávat své nové zaměstnance ze zemí mimo EU.

Které firmy se mohou přihlásit, jaké jsou podmínky a výhody, to vše se dozvíte v dnešním podcastu.

ReloCast je podcast společnosti ReloCare, ve kterém vám chceme přinášet aktuální a zajímavá témata ze světa imigrace a relokace do České republiky.

Další epizody můžete najít zde.

Pokud potřebujete poradit s žádostí o pracovní víza pro vaše zaměstnance, neváhejte kontaktovat Kristýnu Richtrovou na emailu kristyna@relocare.cz

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ReloCast #8: Insight to ReloCare Challenges and Success

Episode #8 Insight to ReloCare Challenges and Success

This week’s podcast is very special as ReloCare is celebrating the 12th year anniversary! With the managing director Dana Pick we talked about challenges of being an expat entrepreneur, how it is to found and manage a company as a foreigner in Czech Republic and how immigration changed in years.

ReloCast is a podcast from ReloCare in which we want to bring you current and interesting topics from the world of immigration and relocation to the Czech Republic.

You can find more episodes zde.

Do you have any questions or remarks to the topic? Kontaktujte nás zde. We will be happy to help you.

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ReloCast #7: Brexit: Insight of a Brit Living in Prague

Episode #7 –⁠ Brexit: Insight of a Brit Living in Prague

We welcomed another guest, Edward Johnson, with whom Kristýna discuss how it is to live in the Czech Republic without knowing the language, what does he think about Brexit, and what he recommends to his fellow British friends living in Prague.

In the second half of the podcast (16:50) you will find some useful recommendations on how to get your permit prior the end of the transition period of Brexit.

Please, feel free to contact us at kristyna@relocare.cz in case you have any questions or comments to the topic.

ReloCast is a podcast from ReloCare in which we want to bring you current and interesting topics from the world of immigration and relocation to the Czech Republic.

You can find more episodes zde.

Do you have any questions or remarks to the topic? Kontaktujte nás zde. We will be happy to help you.

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ReloCast #6: Rental Termination: Rights & Obligations

Episode #6 –⁠ Rental Termination: Rights & Obligations

CEO of ReloCare Dana Pick and Senior Immigration & Relocation Consultant Tomáš Zůbek explain what are the rights & obligations of the tenant when terminating the lease agreement and how to do a handover of a property back to the owner properly.

Please, feel free to contact us at tomas@relocare.cz in case you have any questions or comments to the topic.

ReloCast is a podcast from ReloCare in which we want to bring you current and interesting topics from the world of immigration and relocation to the Czech Republic.

You can find more episodes zde.

Do you have any questions or remarks to the topic? Kontaktujte nás zde. We will be happy to help you.

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ReloCast #5: Being Unemployed During Coronavirus

Episode #5 – Being Unemployed During Coronavirus

What to do when the employer wants you to leave the company? How to change the employer, where to look for a job and how to apply for unemployment benefits?

Labour law expert Michaela Sekaninová and Immigration specialists Tomáš Zůbek and Kristýna Richtrová answer these questions for you!

ReloCast is a podcast from ReloCare in which we want to bring you current and interesting topics from the world of immigration and relocation to the Czech Republic.

You can find more episodes zde.

Do you have any questions or remarks to the topic? Kontaktujte nás zde. We will be happy to help you.

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ReloCast #4: Vládní program Antivirus – jak se do něj zapojit?

Epizoda #4 – Vládní program Antivirus – jak se do něj zapojit?

HR specialistka Michaela Sekaninová odpovídá na otázky spojené s novým vládním programem Antivirus na podporu podniků během koronavirové krize.

ReloCast je podcast společnosti ReloCare, ve kterém vám chceme přinášet aktuální a zajímavá témata ze světa imigrace a relokace do České republiky.

Další epizody můžete najít zde.

Pokud budete mít k tématu nějaké dotazy, neváhejte kontaktovat Kristýnu Richtrovou na emailu kristyna@relocare.cz 

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ReloCast #3: How is Coronavirus Affecting Rental Market in Prague?

Episode #3 – How is Coronavirus Affecting Rental Market in Prague?

CEO of ReloCare Dana Pick and Senior Immigration & Relocation Consultant Tomáš Zůbek discuss the effect of coronavirus on rental market in Prague.

ReloCast is a podcast from ReloCare in which we want to bring you current and interesting topics from the world of immigration and relocation to the Czech Republic.

You can find more episodes zde.

Do you have any questions or remarks to the topic? Kontaktujte nás zde. We will be happy to help you.

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ReloCast #2: Coronavirus & Immigration in the Czech Republic

Episode #2 –  Q&A: Coronavirus and its Impact on Immigration in the Czech Republic (30 March 2020)

Confused about what impact will Coronavirus have on your immigration status?
We gathered the most frequent questions and Kristyna and Tomas answered them for you in our podcast.

Please note that all the answers are valid as of 30 March 2020.

ReloCast is a podcast from ReloCare in which we want to bring you current and interesting topics from the world of immigration and relocation to the Czech Republic.

You can find more episodes zde.

Did you not get the answer to your question? Try asking us directly zde. We will be happy to help you.

ReloCast #1: Welcome to podcasts by ReloCare!

Episode #1 – Welcome to ReloCast by ReloCare!

ReloCare was created to help people sort through the difficulties they face when they are moving to Czech Republic to explore a job opportunity.
Our podcasts are dedicated to educate you in immigration and relocation topics and help you to understand the legal procedure when moving to the Czech Republic.

ReloCast is a podcast from ReloCare in which we want to bring you current and interesting topics from the world of immigration and relocation to the Czech Republic.

You can find more episodes zde.